We Share kruti dev hindi font shortcut keys pdf Study Material according to SSC, UPSC Syllabus. Today, we are sharing Kruti Dev Shortcut Key Keyboard Hindi Typing Chart PDF file download, SSC CGL free notes online, freeupscmaterial.

It's very simple just download and install Krutidev font in your system.

Just type from your Existing English keyboard. You not need to install any font or keyboard layout. You can type in krutidev using above Online Krutidev Text Editor, Here you can type directly in Hindi. So Learning typing in Hindi is useful for Govt Jobs. Typing Exam held by Govt for Hindi Tying Test is generally in Kruti Dev Font.

Kruti Dev is a popular font in Rajasthan. Here below you can check Kruti dev Keyboard layout for your reference in Typing on above given box. You can also save your typed text in Notepad file or MS-Word document. If you don't know Alt Code for Hindi Kruti dev font just Click on Help button to get them. For Type in above you must have known typing in most popular Hindi Font Kruti Dev. Type in Hindi on above box, you can type here in Kruti dev Font layout which is also known as "Typewriter Layout or Remington Keyboard Layout".